At this time, after the holiday break, the Senior High School will resume classes in the HYBRID model. One adjustment to the Hybrid schedule is that every FRIDAY, we will dismiss at 1:15p.m. Buses will run at that time. Hybrid Rotation Calendar:
about 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Hybrid Rotation Calendar
Good morning EGF families, The School District is currently having some internet issues and working to fix the problem. We hope to have the issues resolved shortly. Thank you for your patience.
about 4 years ago, Mike Kolness
Senior High Parents. The MSHSL has allowed schools to participate in the One Act Play, but it must be done virtually. If your son/daughter is interested in participating in the Virtual One Act Play performance this year, please contact Mr. Donovan Hanson ( by the end of the day on Tuesday, December 22nd. We need to know who wants to participate because there is a non refundable fee our school needs to pay in order for our students to participate. Thank you very much!!
about 4 years ago, Brian Loer
The Governor has allowed winter activities to resume on January 4th, 2021. So that we can begin on that Monday, PLEASE have all the following things taken care of prior to that date if you are planning on being in a winter activity. 1. Physical Exam (if Needed....Usually 10th graders) 2. Forms signed electronically 3. Fees paid electronically. • For #2 and #3, please go to the Senior High page on the school website (, and click on Menu. On the left side of that screen, click on the REGISTER FOR ATHLETICS tab and it will take you right where you need to be. Again, PLEASE have ALL of these things completed by January 4th so all activities can begin. If they are not complete, you will NOT be able to practice. If you have any questions, please call the Senior High Office at 218-773-2405.
about 4 years ago, Brian Loer
Senior high parents. Just a reminder that we have school periods 1,2,5,6 tomorrow, Wednesday December 16th. School will start at 8:15 and be done at 3:17. Early out will be ONLY for the Elementary Schools.
about 4 years ago, Brian Loer
Seniors: Here is your Senior Poll Selection Show!
about 4 years ago, Senior High Activities
The Class of 2021 has chosen their class motto, colors, and flower!
about 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Class of 2021
The School Board meeting set for noon today (11/13/20) will be broadcast live on the East Grand Forks Public Schools facebook page.
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
For American Education Week Nov. 16th through Nov. 20th, we are having dress up days! Please see the photo for the days of the week and dress accordingly!
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
American Education Week
Our United Way Fund Drive is underway! Students can fill the jar with coin and cash to show which teacher they want to see get Silly-Stringed! Clean the Couch! Ends Friday, Nov. 13th! All donations benefit the United Way.
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Fill The Jar
DISTANCE LEARNING MEALS TO GO East Grand Forks Public Schools will be changing the Distance Learning Meals to Go pick up times to 10:45am -12:15pm to better accommodate class schedule times. This new pick up time will take effect Tuesday 11/10.
over 4 years ago, Heather Zimny
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
No School Monday, Nov. 9th. Tuesday, Nov. 10th will be a WAVE day.
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Sophomores: Class Ring Orders are due TOMORROW, Wed., Nov. 4th at See the informational video here:
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Seniors: Cap & Gown ordering is due TOMORROW, Wed., Nov. 4th. You can order at See informational video here:
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Principal Loer came dressed as the "Elf on the Shelf" today. We hope he behaves himself!
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Elf on the Shelf
Prowler VB vs EGF (10/27/20) JV@6:00, VAR to follow. via @YouTube
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
We have Early Dismissal this Wednesday, Oct. 28th. Please see the attached schedule for details. Regular buses will run at dismissal times.
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Here's the 2020 Homecoming Coronation link that will go LIVE at 2:25 p.m. today:
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller
Reminder: NO SCHOOL Thursday & Friday, Oct. 15th & 16th.
over 4 years ago, Wendy Waller