Music Fundraiser

Good morning!

Green Wave Apparel Fundraiser Link

Just sending a quick heads-up about two fundraisers our 9th-11th grade musicians are starting today to help them raise funds for their spring 2022 music department trip!

We are repeating a FanCloth clothing order for the next two weeks or so.  All the products are just general Green Wave items - so they should appeal to all students, staff, athletes, and community members.  There is a wide variety of products available in our custom online store:

The best thing about this fundraiser is that it is completely online.  Anyone who is interested can click the link and complete their order.  Each customer should enter the student's name who referred them before completing their order so that the student gets credited with the proceeds from that order; otherwise the profit will be split among the whole group. 

Orders will ship directly to the address the customer provides - a very COVID-safe delivery!  This also means relatives in other areas of the country can order if they would like to show their Green Wave pride, and their products will be shipped right to their door.

Attached to this article are also some shareable graphics that are social-media ready if you'd like to help us promote our online shop.  Make sure to include the store link in your post:

You'll also see our students selling the familiar World's Finest Chocolate bars for $1 each - so if you are in the mood for sweets, flag them down and treat yourself!  We may just drop a few boxes in each building's lounge for folks to purchase on the honor system.

Thanks in advance, and have a great week!

The Senior High Music Department

p.s...there are many more than the ones pictured below on the link!