Class Registration 2019-2020

Registration for the 2019-2020 school year


We will being conducting high school registration for the upcoming school year soon and want you to be aware of the dates.  We encourage you to talk with your students about graduation requirements and courses they want to take over their remaining high school years to meet these requirements.  We appreciate your input and guidance in carefully selecting courses that best meet their individual interests and needs.


Class of 2020: Mrs. Larson will start senior registration with our Class of 2020 beginning Monday, February 11 in the junior English classes.  Students not enrolled in English 11B will need to see Mrs. Larson to make other arrangements for registration.  All students in the Class of 2020 will do their online registration on Wednesday, February 20 during Ramp Up.


Class of 2021: Junior Registration (Class of 2021) will begin on Feb. 19 in Mr. Perkin's U.S. History classes and on Feb. 21 in Mr. Kjono's U.S. History courses with Mrs. Larson.  Online registration will take place on Feb. 27 during Ramp Up.


Class of 2022: Mrs. Sobolik will begin Sophomore Registration (Class of 2022) on Tuesday, Feb. 26 in all 9th grade English courses with online registration during Ramp Up on March 6.


Class of 2023: Freshmen Registration (Class of 2023) will have their registration begin on Tuesday, March 5 with Mrs. Sobolik in Mr. Makovsky's math classes at CMS.  They will register online during this same class on Tuesday, March 12.


PSEO Program Information/Requirements:  Mrs. Larson will be holding Parent/Student presentations regarding MN's PSEO program and our policies and procedures for registering for dual enrollment classes.  It is required for a student and a parent to attend this meeting if new to the PSEO program.  Any student interested in registering for PSEO courses this fall must sign a letter of intent with the Counseling Office by 3:00 on May 30 for eligibility for the upcoming year.  Dates yet TBD--stay tuned!!  


Please call or email the counselors for any questions you may have!


Junior/Senior Counselor                           Freshman/Sophomore Counselor

Stephanie Larson, Counselor                    Kelly Sobolik, Counselor                     

East Grand Forks Senior High School      East Grand Forks Senior High School

1420 4th  Ave NW                                        1420 4th Ave NW

East Grand Forks, MN 56721                     East Grand Forks, MN  56721 

 218-773-2405                                             218-773-2405